Integrated Payroll Services (IPS) is actively taking precautions to service clients during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. We intend to promote the ongoing health and safety of our employees, clients, and the community. At this time, IPS and staff are operating as usual. As precautionary measures, IPS has implemented the following:
- Telecommuting Policy/Remote Workers: During the next couple of weeks, several of our team members will be working remotely to ensure continued service to our clients.
- Onsite Client Trainings: Until further notice, IPS has suspended all onsite client trainings. IPS will continue to offer these services via phone and video conferencing.
- Office Pick-Up: During the next couple of weeks, if you normally pick-up your payroll at our office, please contact IPS for special instructions. If you would prefer to have IPS courier your package, please contact your Customer Service Representative (CSR) to coordinate delivery.
- Courier Delivery: Our courier delivery is still operating as normal. We will continue to monitor and make updates as needed.
- Entrance Restrictions: Our office is off-limits to individuals who have a fever, cough, or other respiratory symptoms.
- Hygiene: We ask those with access to our office practice heightened levels of hygiene. IPS is taking additional precautions to clean and sanitize our office daily. Our employees are advised to keep their distance from all other employees and are not permitted to come to the office if they are feeling sick.
- Continued monitoring: We will implement additional control measures as events unfold. Should an outbreak hot-spot develop around our office location, we will take additional precautions.
- Critical Vendors: We have engaged critical vendors and partners to ensure that they have been likewise reviewing the situation and implementing safeguards to ensure business continuity. We are monitoring the situation and implementing procedures found to be successful in preserving business continuity.
Remember, your IPS Support Team is here to help. If you have any questions please contact us.