Leading the Way in Implementation and Client Service

Ashlie Bruce and Sarah Kempf

Seven months into 2024 and IPS’ Ashlie Bruce says her role as Implementation Lead allows her greater opportunity for the conversion of new clients and services.

“My job is to manage all of our implementation projects and processes,” Ashlie says. “I track the progress from sale to launch for new and existing clients that are adding additional services. Part of the time, I am building out the system and training the client, while the rest of the time I use the implementation process to train and help develop the skills of our HCM Specialists.”

Ashlie works in tandem with Sarah Kempf, IPS’ Client Service Lead. Sarah manages the firm’s HCM Specialists, also known as the support team.

“Our HCM Specialists are responsible for handling client inquiries efficiently, accurately, and in a timely manner,” says Sarah. “When complexities arise, I can assist our HCM Specialists to find solutions. This role allows me more involvement with the people we serve.”

In addition, Sarah provides staff training and develops support policies and procedures to help maintain and improve client satisfaction – similar tasks that she was involved in throughout her eight years at IPS.

“Though I’m in a new position,” Sarah says, “our clients can be assured of exceptional support and an overall better experience working with IPS.”

With an Implementation Lead and Client Service Lead on staff, both agree that managing the support team allows for improved efficiencies. Returned emails and phone calls happen considerably faster, says Ashlie, and details stay top of mind.

“This helps keep the focus on moving projects forward all week long, instead of being limited to Thursday and Friday once payrolls for the week are mostly completed,” adds Ashlie. “As Implementation Lead, I continue to build out isolved for our clients, one of my favorite parts of the job.

“I’m also an advocate for our team’s education. From basic payroll to the intricacies of a Certified payroll, I enjoy sharing what I know and raising up my colleagues. The stronger the team is at supporting the vast array of needs our clients have, the stronger I am as well.”

Ashlie, Sarah and the rest of our management team ensure our clients receive the highest level of support. If you have questions, contact your IPS representative.