IPS is pleased to welcome payroll specialist, Ruxy McPherson, to our team.
A graduate of St. Catherine’s University in St. Paul, Minnesota, (Go Wildcats!), Ruxy has a degree in German and Marketing Management.
Ruxy recently sat down with us to answer a few questions about her professional goals and share the one thing in life that she simply cannot live without.
What do you enjoy most about the payroll industry?
I’ve been working in payroll for five years now and it’s an exciting industry to pursue a career. It’s so much more than crunching numbers! We have the opportunity to collaborate as a team at IPS and help our customers improve their business operations and reach their goals.
What special skills for you bring to IPS?
I think my outgoing personality and a determination to help others are real assets for this job. I’m able to share and expand upon those talents thanks to the people and office dynamics at IPS.
Some people might not be aware that you speak several languages.
That’s true. I was born in Romania, then moved with my family to Minnesota in 2001 and have lived in the Midwest ever since. I’m actually tri-lingual. I’m fluent in German, Romanian and English. My favorite book is a collection of German fairytales. In fact, I can translate that for you, if you like…
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy home decorating and am a passionate cook. I’ll eat anything that’s homemade. One of my favorite desserts is peach cobbler. Just talking about this is making me hungry.
What is one luxury that you cannot live without?
A manicure and pedicure. There’s something so relaxing about someone pampering your hands and feet, and it doesn’t cost much to make me feel like a million bucks.