automated payrolldata synciSolvedsoftwareSimplify, Automate, and Save Time with GL IntegrationsManaging payroll and accounting can be a challenge for small and medium-sized businesses. Solutions like GL…
customer serviceHCMlocal providerpayrolltechnologyThe Benefits of Local Payroll & HCM ProvidersWhen it comes to managing payroll, businesses often face a similar challenge—finding a provider they can…
401k integrationautomated solutionsbenefits enrollmentEmployee Self-Servicemobile accessTransform Benefits Enrollment with IPS’ Automated SolutionsA major pain point for HR and benefits managers is the manual process for benefits enrollment.…
business developmentclient retentionHCMpayrollreferralsrelationshipstrustMeet Brian Jakel, IPS Business Development ManagerWe’re excited to introduce Brian Jakel, our new Business Development Manager. With 30+ years of experience…
compensationcustomizationemployee retentionHR solutionsinvestmentiSolvedDriving Efficiency with Innovative Solutions in 2025Here’s a recent conversation with IPS Vice President of Sales & Marketing Dan Gotzler on how…
Adaptive Employee ExperienceiSolvedmobile-friendly appAre You Using the isolved App?In recent years, IPS has been rolling out the Adaptive Employee Experience (AEE) to customers. This…
#gross wageshealth insuranceincomepaycheckretirement plansW-2Clarifying the Differences Between Your W-2 and Final PaycheckDuring tax season, it’s common for employees to wonder why their final paycheck and W-2 form…
401Kautomationemployee experiencetaxestechnologytippinguser friendlyKey Trends and Insights for Payroll Services in 2025The following is a conversation with IPS President John Feaman: What key trends do you anticipate…
holidaysnonprofitssponsorshipsIPS Spreads Holiday Joy to Local CharitiesThis holiday season, IPS is proud to support two local non-profits in southeast Wisconsin: Tricia’s Troops…
benefitsemployeespaid time offvacationA Friendly Reminder to Employers: Encourage Your Team to Use PTOPaid Time Off (PTO) is one of the most valuable benefits in today’s workplace, but what…
Adaptive Employee ExperienceAEEIPSpayroll interfacetechnologyProvide a better employee experience by design with AEEData access anywhere on any device is more important now than ever before. Whether working from…
customer serviceemployeesA Conversation with HCM Specialist Nicole JustusWhat’s it like to work at IPS? “The training has been fantastic, and I’m learning so…
overtime rulepayroll compliance2025 Overtime Rule Canceled: What Employers Need to KnowA new salary threshold for overtime eligibility that was set to impact millions of U.S. workers…
analysiscooperationefficientpayroll servicestechnologyEvaluate your payroll services before the New YearWith the final weeks of the year upon us, now is the ideal time to consider…
auditGeneral Ledgerpayroll paperworkworkers compensationCommonly Asked Questions: Audits, QuickBooks and Payroll PaperworkWhere can I find reports needed for a Workers’ Comp Audit? For a Workers’ Compensation Audit,…
401k integrationbenefits administrationEmployee Self-Servicemobile accessunified platformOptimizing Benefits Administration During Open Enrollment: Part IIIn September, we shared the five most important questions employers should ask to make sure the…
employee engagementemployee onboardinghuman resourcesretentiontrainingFour Advantages of Employee Onboarding to Transform Your WorkforceA well-structured onboarding process is crucial for the success of any organization. By investing time and…
cybersecurity fraudemailphishingscamvictimStay Vigilant Against Business Email FraudThe FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center has reported a significant rise in Business Email Compromise (BEC)…
automationbenefits administrationCommunicationopen enrollmentprocess systemsuser friendlyOptimizing Benefits Administration During Open EnrollmentAs open enrollment season kicks into high gear, businesses are focused on ensuring their benefits administration…
benefitsHRpayroll servicestalent acquisitiontime and attendanceIPS Services Help Companies Build Better BusinessesIn business, details make all the difference. It’s why finding a reliable partner is crucial. From…
paychecktaxeswithholdingsTime for a Paycheck Checkup?Did you know that more than 80 percent of U.S. employees have their paychecks directly deposited…
client referralscustomer serviceHCMparternershippayrolltrustworthyCPA Recommends IPS for Superior Payroll and HCM SolutionsHeather Kormanik, a sole proprietor CPA specializing in financial accounting for small businesses in southeast Wisconsin,…
client serviceHCM SpecialistmanagementpromotionssupportLeading the Way in Implementation and Client ServiceIPS’ Ashlie Bruce says her role as Implementation Lead allows her greater opportunity for the conversion…
customer servicemultifactor authenticationonboardingpayrollPTOIPS Protects Architecture Firm from Scammers and Streamlines OnboardingFor IPS client Ramlow/Stein Architecture + Interiors of Milwaukee, ensuring seamless payroll operations became paramount following…
employeesFair Labor Standards ActovertimerulesalaryFederal Overtime Pay Rule Starts July 1Overtime pay is required for most U.S. workers who exceed 40 hours per week under the…
e-onboardinge-verifyemployeeshuman resourcesIRSnew hiresStreamline Employee Onboarding with E-VerifyHiring new employees can be time-consuming for HR and recruiting professionals. Now, IPS has the capability…
accounting softwarechecks and balancescustomer supportdata securitypayroll providerpayroll recordsCan I change payroll companies mid-year?As we change the calendar and look forward to summer plans and vacations, the last thing…
Fair Labor Standards Acthiringinterntipswage lawsWhat are the Payroll Considerations when Hiring an Intern?So, you want to hire an intern? There are a number of things to keep in…
customersHCMpartnershippayrollresultsvaluesIPS Client Spotlight: Partnering for Excellence with Bank Five NineAt Bank Five Nine, the mission is to “Make Lives Better.” “It’s a guiding principle that…
client servicecritical thinkingemployeeHCM SpecialistmanagementMeet IPS’ HCM Specialist Mikayla BurtWe are pleased to announce the addition of HCM Specialist Mikayla Burt to the IPS team. …
e-onboardingtechnologyDemand grows for hiring workers through mobile e-onboardingElectronic onboarding emerged as an essential tool for companies to retain new workers during the early…
authenticationdataemployeesiSolvedloginprotectionsecurityverificationNew Login Policy in Effect for isolved People CloudAt IPS, we take data protection seriously. With ever-present and evolving cyber threats, implementing new security…
client serviceEmployee Self-ServiceHR solutionsonboardingtime and attendanceIPS Helps Milwaukee Golf Company Overcome Onboarding NightmareImagine the employee bandwidth necessary to support a business where a quarter of a million rounds…
clientsHCM SpecialistHRNew EmployeepayrollMeet HCM Specialist Christina Van BeckIn November 2023, IPS welcomed Christina Van Beck to our team. Learn more about this HCM…
401k integrationIntegrate your organization’s 401k with IPSLooking for a customized, cost-effective way to automate your employees 401k retirement plans? Consider a 401k…
401k integrationbenefits administrationefficiencyEmployee Self-Servicemobile-friendly appsolutionsAutomated for Efficiency – IPS’ Streamlined Benefits AdministrationIs your process for benefits enrollment optimized for your team? With IPS solutions, it’s no longer…
Applicant Tracking Systeme-onboardingnew employeessolutionsworkforce managementElevate Your Hiring Process with Seamless Tracking and OnboardingThe competitive landscape of hiring employees is an on-going challenge for employers to navigate. With IPS…
PTOsick leavetime off requestsSimplify Time Off Requests with Workforce ManagementMany of our clients who manage their employees’ schedules throughout the year – whether vacation, sick…
labor lawsminimum wagepayroll changesunemployment taxworkers compensationNeed to Know Payroll Changes for 2024For IPS clients, payroll services updates happen automatically within your IPS software every year. However, all…
1099benefitsemployee classificationemployeesW-2The Difference Between a W2 Employee and a 1099 EmployeeThe controversy over worker classification as either employee or independent contractor has been brewing for many years.…
employeepaychecktaxesW-2Understanding the differences between the W-2 and the final pay stubIt’s not unusual for the team at IPS to receive a lot of questions during tax…
clientscommitmentempowermeaningfulpayroll servicespersonaltrustworthyBuilding Better Businesses: The IPS DifferenceIn business, details matter. It’s why finding a reliable partner can make all the difference. We…
cancercommunitycompassiondonateholiday givingsupportvolunteerCommunity Connection: Giving Back to Families with Cancer“The mission of Tricia’s Troops can only be carried out thanks to the compassion and generosity…
clientscompassionatecore valuescustomer serviceemployeespositiverelatablereliabletrustworthyThe Five Core Values of IPS’ Company CultureWhen IPS was launched in 2010, our mission was to be the kind of business with…
client spotlightCommunicationGeneral Ledgerpayroll servicesresponsivenessCommunication and Responsiveness Lead to Trusted Partnership When Mackenzie Edinger has the opportunity to promote Inclusion Coffee Company, she will say her business…
applicant trackingbenefits enrollmentEmployee Self-Serviceholidaysonboardingpayroll servicesPTOWork Opportunity Tax CreditRely on Us to be an Extension of Your Payroll DepartmentAt IPS, we know that you expect accurate and efficient payroll processing from our team and…
eligibilityemployeesForm I-9IRSonboardingverificationIRS Revises Form I-9; Required for New EmployeesAn updated Form I-9 released by the IRS on August 1, 2023, must be submitted by…
company newsemployeesmarketingsalesMeet the Newest Member of the IPS Team Dan Gotzler recently joined IPS as Vice President of Sales & Marketing. Get to know…
company outingprofessional developmentsponsorshipsvideoOffice Happenings – June 2023Our team took some time away from the office in late April for a much-deserved company…
carecustomer serviceefficientpayroll processingClient satisfaction builds trust and partnershipEverdry Waterproofing in the Fox Cities is a full-service basement repair company – a business that…
business tax creditscompensationsoftwareIncrease your bottom line with Work Opportunity Tax CreditsDid you know that thousands of dollars in business tax credits goes unclaimed each year? Many…
automationpaid time offpayroll softwaresummer vacationtechnologyvacation requestsTake the Hassle out of PTO and Summer VacationsMany of our clients are managing their employees’ schedules throughout these summer months as vacation time…
iSolvedloginupdateYour iSolved login update is hereThe login process is now simplified for iSolved: Going forward, you will use your email address…
employeesHRpayrolltalenttimekeepinguser interfaceESS enhances your employees’ mobile experienceEmployee Self-Service, or ESS, is a personalized and user-friendly interface that makes it easier for employees…
employeesnewsofficepromotionIPS Office HappeningsWe are pleased to announce that Sarah Kempf has been promoted to Senior HCM specialist. Sarah…
customer serviceElectronic Onboardingemployeespayrolltime and attendanceIPS Customer Spotlight – Lake Country DockHounds2022 marked the inaugural season for the Lake Country DockHounds at Wisconsin Brewing Company Park in…
employeespaychecktaxesW-2W-4wagesCommonly Asked Questions: Tax Season EditionWhat if my social security number is incorrect on my W-2? Your first point of contact…
2023Adaptive Employee ExperienceHR toolsLooking to 2023: What IPS customers can expect in the New YearJohn Feaman, IPS President, recently sat down to discuss what lies ahead for the payroll industry,…
anniversarybabyHoliday HoursiSolved ConnectMBAOffice Happenings: November 2022Check out who was caught hanging with iSolved’s “People Heroes.” This was a highlight for our…
employeeIPSnewsWelcome Diane Koenig, IPS Senior HCM SpecialistYou onboarded with IPS in July. Tell us what the first few months have been like.…
anniversarybaseballNew Employeenew websiteIPS Office HappeningsGet caught up on the latest fall news around the IPS offices. Congratulations are in order…
Electronic Onboarding and MessagingElectronic Onboarding and Messaging engages remote and in-office employeesWith more remote workers joining company payrolls – especially those employed in other tax states –…
case studyCommunicationpayrollSecurity Glass Blocktechnologytime and attendanceIPS helps Security Glass Block better their payrollBrianna and Nick Behselich took over leadership of Security Glass Block in October 2019 as the…
Debbie PollyTax SpecialistMeet Debbie Polly, IPS’ Newest EmployeeIn early June, Debbie Polly joined our team as a tax specialist with more than 25…
applicant trackingemployeeshiringIPSonline onboardingrecruitingFAQ: How do I manage taxes for remote employees?FAQ: How do I manage taxes for remote employees? Record hiring this spring has employers scrambling…
Administrative AssistantEllie EbbenHCM SpecialistIPS welcomes Ellie Ebben to the teamEllie Ebben joined us in April as an HCM Specialist and Administrative Assistant. Here is what…
Delafield youth baseballLake Country DockHoundsoffice hoursOffice Happenings: June 2022Vacation season is upon us, but our office hours remain the same throughout the year. Contact…
AEEGo app; Adaptive Employee ExperienceiSolvediSolved Go app is retiring soonFor years, iSolved’s popular “Go” App has been the choice for industries with on-the-go employees to…
Adaptive Employee ExperienceAEEiSolvedmobileAEE: a modern and personalized experience from any deviceIPS is currently in the process of rolling out our new Adaptive Employee Experience (AEE) to…
ACAAshlie BruceJohn FeamanSynergytax benefitstransitionCustomer Spotlight – SYNERGY Home Care of Greater MilwaukeeRecruiting and hiring home caregivers to serve older Americans, children or adults with disabilities is a…
Camille PierceOperations ManagerCamille Pierce steps into role as IPS Operations ManagerIPS is excited to have Camille Pierce as our new Operations Manager. Camille started in the…
business tax creditIPSpayrolltechnologyWork Opportunity Tax CreditWOTCDon’t overlook business tax creditsDo you employ a disabled veteran, a former inmate or high school student on summer break?…
2021 Review2022 PreviewAdaptive Employee ExperienceCovid Sick EarningsEmployee Retention Credithuman resourcesPayroll Protection ProgramLooking ahead to 2022We recently spent some time with IPS President and Vice-President John and Pete Feaman, who shared…
401KCFO Solutions of Wisconsindirect depositIPSJohn FeamanMichael SilvermanpayrollIPS delivers simple, timely payrollAs a fractional CFO, Michael Silverman knows what it takes to solve problems for companies. The…
Adam HuffmanCareer OpportunitiesCharityHCM ManagerHoliday HoursthanksgivingOffice Happenings: December 2021Off Days A friendly reminder as we head into the holiday season, please note our office…
benefitscertificationiSolved ConnectJohn FeamanMary AndersonOffice Happenings: conferences and certificationsIPS President John Feaman hit the road in mid-September for Hollywood! (Florida, that is.) John attended…
Applicant Tracking SystemATSAttact & HirecandidatesElectronic OnboardingIPSnew employeesrecruitingThe tools you need to attract, hire and onboard employees immediatelyIt’s no secret that the competition is fierce to recruit and retain good employees in today’s…
BrookfieldbusinessCovidcustomer servicecustomer spotlightiLoveKickboxingIPSpayrollPete FeamantechnologyWisconsinCustomer Spotlight: Gym owner grateful for genuine approach to payroll“I don’t like complications,” says Ken Schinke. “As a business owner, you want everything to be…
Alyssa Jones-PlutteCSRcustomer service representativepayrollpromotionIPS promotes Alyssa Jones-Plutte to Customer Service RepresentativeThe past year for Alyssa Jones-Plutte has been like no other. She recently discussed her new…
A better way for electronic employee onboarding and applicant trackingThe competition to hire and retain good employees remains a challenge in today’s marketplace. Our team…
IPS technology bolsters flexible scheduling in our post-Covid worldFor more than a year now, we’ve witnessed a tremendous shift in how we work, especially…
Commonly Asked QuestionsWe recently caught up with Vice President Pete Feaman for a conversation about what clients are…
iSolvediSolved ConnectPayroll Leaders ConferenceSummer HoursOffice Happenings: summer hours, employee news and hitting the roadNews and information for Integrated Payroll Services (IPS): With Memorial Day comes the first official weekend…
COBRA health coveragedependent careEmployee Retention Creditfamily leavepaid sick leaveThe 2021 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)On March 11, 2021, President Biden signed into law H.R. 1319 – the American Rescue Plan…
Industrial furniture manufacturer turns to IPS for seamless payrollWalworth, Wisconsin-based Integra has nearly 40 years of experience in the design, engineering and manufacturing of…
2021Paycheck Protection ProgramPPPWhat’s next for Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in 2021There are new ground rules in the second round of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) rolled…
remote employeestrainingOffice Happenings: new baby, payroll training, and remote employeesThere are several recent office happenings to make note of as we move ever deeper into…
faceliftUIuser interfaceNew Year, New Look: A facelift for the IPS user interfaceNew colors and easier navigation are among the first updates that you will notice when logging…
COVID-19Employee Retention CreditERCtax creditEmployee Retention Credits available during COVID-19Among the many challenges facing businesses in the pandemic is protecting and retaining their workers. A…
COVID-19FFRCAsick leavetax creditsCommon questions: federal tax credits and COVID-19 sick leaveWith the ongoing pandemic and employees still impacted by sickness or a mandatory quarantine because of…
Alyssa Jones-PlutteemployeeIPSoffice administratorIPS welcomes Alyssa Jones-Plutte to the teamOur new office administrator, Alyssa Jones-Plutte, enjoys the workplace culture, her colleagues and learning something new…
essential businessJMJ Constructiononline portalpandemicPandemic Spotlight: JMJ ConstructionJMJ Construction is a general contractor in the construction industry for government agencies, including U.S. military…
anniversarybusinesspayrollIPS marks tenth anniversary in businessIPS is pleased to celebrate ten years in business as a payroll services provider for businesses…
American Payroll AssociationCamille PierceCertified Payroll ProfessionalIPS employee earns Certified Payroll Professional (CPP) credentialCongratulations to Payroll Manager Camille Pierce who passed an exam in early November to become a…
BizTimesCommunicationIPS talks communication strategy with BizTimesWith the major shift to a remote workforce for much of business and industry in 2020,…
COVID-19HCMpayrollPPPreimbursementtax credittechnologyCovid-19, payroll and HCM considerations in the New YearThere’s a “new normal” for business as the pandemic continues. But even that too can change…
IPSIRSpayrollSocial Securitytax defermenttax holidayA payroll tax “holiday”: What you need to knowOn September 1, 2020, a presidential executive order went into effect allowing employers the option to…
COVID-19IPSpandemicPayroll Protection ProgramPPPSecureFuturesspotlightPandemic Spotlight: SecureFuturesLike many Wisconsin-based organizations, the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent office shutdowns forced SecureFutures, a Milwaukee-based non-profit…
COVID-19home officeIPSpandemicpayrollremoteIPS employee finds balance amid pandemic challengesIPS Payroll Specialist Ashlie Bruce spent a few minutes with us to talk about the many…
applicantsemployeeshiringiSolved HirejobsrecruitingFill job openings quickly and efficiently with iSolved HireAs business practices continue to evolve in the midst of a pandemic, the online hiring process…
COVID-19FFCRAIPSpayrollsick leaveIPS organizes payroll processing for employees on COVID-19 sick leaveIPS reminds all employers that we can help them follow the proper procedures when paying their…
CARES ActcoronavirusCOVID-19Employee Retention CreditIRStax creditwagesWhat is the Employee Retention (Tax) Credit and how does it work?The Employee Retention (Tax) Credit was created to support businesses who forego layoffs and maintain their…
loanPaycheck Protection ProgrampayrollPPPsick leavestimulusExplaining the second wave of funding for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)Of the $484 billion in the latest stimulus package approved by Congress and signed into law…
AidCARES ActcoronavirusdefermentForm 941IRSRelief and Economic Security ActSocial SecuritytaxtaxesWhat you need to know about deferment on employment taxesThe Coronavirus, Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) allows employers to defer the deposit…
COVID-19: Protect your business during this “perfect storm” for fraudThe chaos and confusion surrounding the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic provided fertile ground for…
COVID-19Department of LaborFamilies First Coronavirus Response ActFFCRAWHDAEmployee Paid Leave Rights during COVID-19The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA or Act) requires certain employers to provide employees with…
benefitsclient advisorycoronavirusCOVID-19Families First Coronavirus Response ActFFCRAIPSpaid leavepayrolltax creditsUDATED: IPS client advisory regarding COVID-19In light of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act signed into law on March 18, 2020,…
coronavirusCOVID-19payrollpayroll servicesIPS client advisory regarding COVID-19Integrated Payroll Services (IPS) is actively taking precautions to service clients during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.…
accessibilityaccountabilitydatageotrackingremote employeestimeBetter manage your remote and mobile workforce with GeotrackingAmong the highest costs for businesses today is paying for employees. Thankfully, with today’s technology, companies…
expansionholiday partypromotionWhirlyballWinter office happenings: promotion, expansion and celebrationIPS has a number of winter office happenings to share: Congratulations are in order for Camille…
IRStaxesW-2What to do about a returned W-2Clients often contact IPS with their concerns about new tax laws or processes. Here is one…
IRStaxesW-4More information about the new IRS Form W-4Last November, IPS shared how a new, less complicated and more transparent IRS Form W-4 was…
hiringIPSpayroll specialistteamIPS welcomes payroll specialist, Mary AndersonWe are pleased to share the news about Mary Anderson joining the IPS team as a…
expansionhalloweenhappeningsthanksgivingIPS office happenings: November 2019IPS is growing – literally! We are expanding our office space, so stay tuned to our…
2020W-4withholdingsComing soon: IRS to improve Form W-4Determining how much tax an employee wants taken out of a paycheck should become easier next…
cyber criminalsemailFBIpayroll fraudscamCurbing payroll diversion fraudAccording to the FBI’s Internet Crime Center, Business Email Compromise (BEC) fraud is much more common…
Employee Self-ServiceESSEmployees Self-Service (ESS) increases efficiencies in business payrollWith automation involved in so many of today’s business processes, it’s only natural that electronic onboarding…
New for iSolved: Fillable Forms and Certified Payroll ReportingSeveral new features are now available under the Human Capital Management (HCM) section of iSolved. Fillable…
Three IPS employees are celebrating October work anniversariesAt IPS, our people make all the difference. And this month we congratulate three of our…
IPS adds senior account executive, Dana HansenWelcome Dana Hansen to IPS! We are pleased to announce the addition of Dana Hansen as…
Streamlining processes beyond payroll helps non-profit save time and moneySecure Futures, a Milwaukee-based leader in teen financial literacy, teaches young men and women how to…
employeeHRhuman resourcesIPSjobno-showresignationSHRMterminationWhat to do when an employee is a no-show on the jobIn an earlier blog, we explored how to handle an employee resignation, but what if one…
anniversaryIPSSarah FeamanHappy 2nd (work) Anniversary, Sarah FeamanSarah Feaman, IPS payroll specialist, recently celebrated her 2nd anniversary with the company. Always a good…
alertsattendanceautomationemployeesIPSnotificationsonline accessschedulingshift managementtimeTake the hassle out of time & attendance with IPS employee schedulerManagers and supervisors know that the setup and tracking of employee work schedules can be a…
401Kbenfitsemployee resignationoffboardingBe compliant and professional when an employee resignsAn official resignation letter from an employee about to leave the company is not the end…
How much does a payroll company cost?Once you’ve made the decision to partner with a payroll provider, you will want to know…
payrollservicestechnologyWhy hire a payroll company?There’s a lot to consider when outsourcing payroll for a business. “How much will it cost?…
1099employee classificationGovernor Tony EverspayrolltaxesWisconsinWisconsin looks to crack down on payroll fraud and “level the playing field”In April, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers established a new enforcement unit to prevent companies from incorrectly…
IPS president attends industry conference, discusses best practicesIPS President John Feaman recently attended the annual TPG (The Payroll Group) Conference held in Bonita…
Spotlight: Healthcare company sought improved payroll accuracyAs the owner of Home Care Assistance, Rick Cohen takes pride in providing caregivers and care…
Ensure a smooth transition and satisfying workplace when onboarding college graduatesIf you’re looking to nurture new talent and promote a collaborative workplace, chances are you’ve already…
Payroll implications for out-of-state employeesIt’s an exciting and busy time when new workers join a company. While there are a…
401KHCMhuman capital managementpayrolltechnologyAvoid paycheck errors with accurate Human Capital Management (HCM)A misspelled name. Inaccurate work hours. A miscalculation of state or federal taxes withheld. These are…
401KautomationGeneral LedgerpayrollTime & AttendanceErase human error, eliminate paperwork and simplify data storageImagine the frustration of calculating payroll that takes as much as a day and a half…
automatedESSmarketingpayrollpayroll servicesprocess without callPWC employee self-serviceSpotlight: Automated payroll process offers peace of mind to marketing firmChad Ritterbusch of TRG Marketing in Brookfield considers IPS an extension of his business. “As a…
expertiseiSolvedpayrollservicetaxtechnologyPayroll taxes call for preparation during tax season and beyondFor many businesses, properly handling payroll taxes can be a complex part of running a business.…
2019401Kminimum wagepayroll changestaxeswagesworkers compensationNeed to know payroll changes for 2019For IPS clients, much of what’s updated pertaining to payroll on an annual basis happens automatically…
Meet the newest IPS payroll specialist, Ruxy McPhersonRuxy McPherson, Payroll Specialist IPS is pleased to welcome payroll specialist, Ruxy McPherson, to our team.…
Custom portal solution perfect for specialized businessJMJ Construction, based in Waukesha, Wisconsin, is a relatively new general contractor, launching their small business…
Be sure to evaluate your payroll services before the New YearAs we close in on the last two months of the year, now is the ideal…
employee onboardingiSolvednew hirespayroll technologyOnboarding employees: technology streamlines the hiring process and sets expectations for new staffFall is considered the final hiring spree of the year for businesses before the holiday season…
Tapping into employee data can significantly impact your businessThis time of year, a lot of IPS clients are laying the groundwork for the coming…
IPS team members travel to Utah for benefits trainingPresident John Feaman and Payroll Specialist Camille Pierce spent a few days in Salt Lake City…
Customer Spotlight: Transitioning to an “all-in-one” payroll solutionGanshert Nursery and Landscapes, a Madison-area-based company specializing in the renovation, design, and construction of residential…
holidayWhat employers need to know about managing holiday payWith Memorial Day behind us and the Fourth of July just around the corner, we’ve been…
IPS offers “HR On-Demand” to help with workforce managementAre employees having difficulty getting their timesheet turned in each month? As their employer, is there…
IPS stays plugged, explores key issues at The Payroll Group ConferenceIPS President John Feaman spent a few days in Hollywood, California earlier this month, attending The…
A paycheck checkup is a good idea any time of yearMore than 80 percent of U.S. employees have their paychecks directly deposited into a bank account…
A few minutes with … Pete Feaman, Friend of NashotahIn our first installment of this IPS series, we catch up with Vice President Pete Feaman…
Ensuring a smooth transition when an employee leaves; part 2 of 2In an age where job turnover is higher than ever, it’s important for organizations to be…
Ensuring a smooth transition when an employee leaves; part 1 of 2In an age where job turnover is higher than ever, it’s important for organizations to be…
2018April 17feespayrollpenaltiestaxIPS helps clients avoid tax penaltiesWith April 17 (tax day) just a few short days away, now is a great time…
IPS tackles payroll diversity and more on The Biz Connection radio showRecently, IPS President John Feaman and Vice President Pete Feaman were featured on the The Biz…
What are the federal tax updates for 2018?Because of the federal tax overhaul, many companies are in the process of updating their payroll…
IPS Featured in The Waukesha Freeman – Payroll systems and technologyPayroll’s progress: Technology having massive impact on industry The technological revolution has resulted in a makeover…
IPS Expands Again! Say Hello to Camille Pierce, Payroll SpecialistWhen Camille Pierce joined the IPS team, she brought a degree in Accounting and more than…
Inside Look: Home Health Care & Assisted LivingWith November serving as national home care and hospice month, now is the perfect time to…
Start the New Year with a New Approach … to PayrollNot all New Year’s resolutions involve diet and exercise. Before 2018 takes foot, IPS encourages you…
Upcoming Dates to RememberJanuary 31st All W2’s need to be provided to all employees (IRS Regulations). If you have…
IPS is Growing: Welcome to the Team, Sarah FeamanA graduate from UW La Crosse, Sarah Feaman joined the IPS team this past August as…
New I-9 Form UpdatesThe USCIS recently released a revised edition of the Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification. Employers are…
benefitsHCMiSolvedpayrollsoftwaretechnologyIPS Visits Technology Partner in Salt Lake CityIPS Vice President Leslie Kiefer recently returned from a four-day workshop in Salt Lake City, UT…
Common Payroll Struggles: Manual Time EntryEven in this age of driver-less cars and Amazon drone deliveries, it’s still quite common to…
TPG Annual ConferencePete Feaman, vice president of IPS, recently attended The Payroll Group’s Annual Conference. The Payroll Group…
Common Payroll Struggles: Losing a Key Staff MemberFor companies that handle their payroll internally, it’s not uncommon to be left in a lurch…
House Passes New Healthcare BillRecently, the U.S. House of representatives narrowly passed a revised version the American Health Care Act (AHCA)…
House Passes Comp Time BillOn Tuesday, May 9th, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Working Families Flexibility Act. The…
IPS Joins GCOW as Corporate MemberIPS is proud to be added as a Corporate Member of the GCOW. The Golf Course…
employee wellnessPTODon’t Let Unused PTO Drain Your Office ProductivityPTO … it’s one of the cornerstone benefits in today’s corporate America. But what happens when…
OSHA 300A Forms: NEW Posting and Submission RulesREMEMBER: OSHA 300A forms were to be posted no later than February 1, 2017. If you…
Attention: New Form I-9 Required as of January 22The new Form I-9, released November 14, must now be used for verifying the identity and…
Tax Filing Help for BusinessesRegardless of the size of the business, there is no escaping the fact that tax compliance…
The New FLSA Overtime RuleThe Department of Labor updated the guidelines of the Fair Labor Standards Act with the new…
A Good Captain Knows When to Change CourseJohn Feaman is the president of Delafield-based Integrated Payroll Services Inc., a comprehensive payroll services company.…
The Truth About ACA ComplianceThe final phase of the employer mandate under the Affordable Care Act went into effect on…
New Deadline for W-2 Submissions Effective January 31, 2017By now, employers must be aware that the Internal Revenue Service changed the deadline for compliance…
What Does a Payroll Service Company Actually Do?There’s no doubt that tackling payroll presents serious challenges to businesses of all sizes. Handling time…
Understanding and Applying the New FLSA Overtime RuleIn May, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) released its final rule on overtime, modifying the…
Payroll Outsourcing Makes SensePayroll Outsourcing Startups, small businesses and even companies that are already in a growth mode resort…
Streamlining the Payroll Process through Automated Time and Attendance ReportsAutomation of the simplest functions in today’s workplaces creates more efficient business processes. The ultimate goal…
Check Stub Delivery with Email Notification for Online Payroll SystemsMacro photograph of a pay stub. Automating your payroll system creates an efficient process that tracks…
ACA Compliance for Small BusinessesThe Affordable Care Act was enacted to reduce health care costs, improve access to health insurance…
Benefits of Outsourcing PayrollPayroll processing is an essential task in any ongoing business. It is a function that must…
Meet Sarah Lutz, our new Payroll ProcessorSarah is obtaining her bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management from Concordia University. She is a…
Employers Beware: Contractor vs. Employee ClassificationBusinesses can enter into various types of employment relationships with their workers. Employees may be treated…
What Employees Should know about W-2s and 1099sEmployment arrangements have changed over the years, and it is important for workers to understand the…
ACA Compliance for EmployersThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a well-intentioned effort to make sure that all Americans have…
The Benefits Of Using A Visa Debit Payroll CardOperating at peak efficiency means considering all the ways that you can improve your business processes.…
Direct Deposit is the Modern Payroll Solution for Employers and EmployeesEmployers that offer a range of payroll options to their employee base are far more likely…
Enhancing Business Efficiency with Pay-as-you-go PlansIn Wisconsin, workers’ compensation insurance is mandatory unless your business meets the requirements for self-insured status.…
When Multi-state Compliance is an IssueManaging benefits and payroll services is a complicated task because each employee record is unique. Each…
Navigating the Affordable Care Act: A Guide to ComplianceThe Affordable Care Act (ACA) has been rolled out and is in effect, but employers are…
Electronic Check Stub Delivery: Paperwork Reduction Pays OffMany businesses support paperwork reduction because opting for the digital alternative streamlines the work process. Migrating…
Keeping Employee Records UpdatedThe onboarding process for new employees includes a lot of paperwork, and Form W-4 is typically…
Information Required to Start a Business PayrollYour business plan has been thoroughly vetted, financing is in place and you are eager to…
Managing the W-2 and 1099 Preparation ProcessPreparing the documentation required for tax preparation is a year-round concern for businesses even if tax…
Enhancing Business Efficiency with Employee Self Service PayrollPayroll administration is a resource-intensive function. Preparation and disbursement takes several man-hours to complete for every…
Payroll Processing for the 21st CenturyLet’s face it: Payroll administration uses up time and manpower resources that are typically stretched to…
Ensuring Compliance with New Hire Reporting RequirementsThe employee pool changes constantly, depending on the nature of the business. Some industries engage in…
How To Manage Your Costs through Automated TimekeepingA recent article in the New York Times noted the rise in workers’ lawsuits against employers…
How To Avoid A Workers Compensation AuditPayroll processing is one of the most complicated back office functions. The outcome is dependent on…
Meet Ashley Burdette, our new Payroll ProcessorAshley is a payroll processor at Integrated Payroll Services. She processes and obtains information for the…
Outsourcing Payroll Enhances Your EfficiencyCompanies often underestimate the costs of handling the administrative side of their business. A white paper…
Strategies for Effective Records ManagementIt takes time, money and precious man-hours to maintain organized business records. However, many processes depend…
Effective Records Maintenance for Greater EfficiencyMaintaining organized business records is crucial to efficient operations of any company. However, without specific records…
The Benefits Of Automatic Direct Deposit For EmployeesDirect Deposit means Direct Savings Payroll processing is one of the most complex systems that businesses…
Wisconsin Withholding Tax Tables RevisedWithholding Tax Tables Revised. Under authority of Governor Scott Walker, the Wisconsin Department of Revenue has…